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Benefits of Online Surveys for B2B Marketers

Understanding the needs and pain points of current customers and prospects is an important aspect for planning out B2B marketing campaigns. Traditionally, marketers would look to telephone and print surveys for needed marketing data. Depending on researchers to gather, input, compile and error check surveys results led to higher costs and missed marketing opportunities.

Today, B2B marketers have a new option for gathering this information – online surveys. The web provides exciting, flexible and social options for conducting surveys:  it’s just so much more efficient than traditional means. 

Understanding the needs of modern marketers, let’s consider the benefits of online surveys and how they compare to traditional surveying options:

1. Real-time data results - Compared to traditional surveys, online surveys include the benefit of real-time results. Having this type of instant data gives marketers the information they need, when they need it. Imagine putting together a B2B social media campaign with survey results that are months old?  Within that time frame, the entire campaign could become irrelevant. With instant access to online survey results, strategic planners have the information needed for effective and near real-time or at the least very timely campaigns.

2. Automated reporting - As with real-time data, automated reporting is critical. Gone are the days of waiting hours to generate deep-dive analytics on critical survey feedback. Not only does this help with real-time statistics, but with the added ability to perform detail reporting from anywhere, at any time. This assists marketers who are on-the-go and who require detailed reports on the latest results from surveys.

3. Simplified revisions - With traditional, manual surveys, it would take substantial time to revise a survey and go through multiple people before it was ready to use. With online surveys, a survey becomes revised and production-ready within hours, or even minutes. With the added ease of making revisions, this leads to more surveys created, updated and in use in less time – leading to improved efficiency of critical company resources.

4. Reduction of human error - Before online marketing surveys, manual insertion of data by people increased the prospect for errors. This risk is now minimized with automated solutions which ensures more reliable results and improved statistics for use in B2B marketing campaigns.

With real-time statistics, easy access from anywhere, simplified revisions and reduced human errors, online surveys help B2B marketers get more reliable data faster, at less cost which can be easily input into future marketing campaigns.

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Sunday, 22 December 2024