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Sales Team Coordination

Improve sales team collaboration and performance. NGRCRM eliminates redundancy, delays, and confusion by organizing all your team’s collective knowledge in one place and providing a framework for collaborative sales efforts.

Share deals and activity

Assign Deals

When team members work together, NGRCRM keeps everyone on the same page and driving toward the close. You can share or re-assign deals effortlessly. And instead of juggling email threads, you can use the Activities feature to track all discussions related to each deal.

Share sales documents


With no data storage limits, your team can easily attach every related document to every deal. Eliminate time wasted digging through email for a critical attachment, and never again send the wrong file to a prospect.

Assign tasks and events

Assign Tasks

Anyone can assign tasks and events in NGRCRM. Whether you're asking a co-worker to join you on a sales call or reminding a manager to send you key information, it’s easy to share work efficiently with built-in accountability.

View your team's deals

Team Deals

With a simple, hierarchical permissions structure, NGRCRM makes it easy for managers to view the deals of everyone on their team. Make sure everything is moving forward efficiently, and jump in with suggestions or reminders as needed.