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How B2B Marketing become responsible for everything

B2B Marketers are trying to make everyone happy. The CEO needs revenue. The sales team needs qualified leads. Customers need information. Everyone is looking at marketing to make it happen. If you're a B2B marketer, you may feel like the success or failure of your company rests entirely on your shoulders.

So, how did B2B Marketing become responsible for everything, including sales? Is there a way to fix it?

We attempt to answer those questions by examining the evolution of modern marketing that has brought us to this point. Nothing happened overnight but here we are, feeling like we need to do more when in fact the solution may be doing less and spreading the responsibility. First, some background…

The Pre-Internet Marketing and Sales Relationship

Before the emergence of the internet, marketing and sales groups performed separate, yet complimentary roles. Marketing was primarily responsible for crafting and delivering outbound marketing messages through various channels such as magazines, trade shows, advertisements, etc. Upon viewing or receiving marketing information, prospective business customers, or “leads”, would contact the manufacturer„s sales organization (usually via an 800 number) and request more information. The sales group would take over and handle the entire sales process from giving detailed product information to customer presentations and proposals. All was well in the world. Responsibility was balanced and everyone was accountable for their part of the process.

Then Came Internet Marketing

The Internet changed things almost overnight. Since a company's website was considered just another form of media, the marketing group naturally took ownership. Early websites were not much more than an electronic brochure anyway so the sales group didn't see value in it. Sales ignored the web, marketing embraced it. Internet marketing exploded. Today the website has taken center stage in the B2B marketing and sales arena. Virtually all marketing materials direct prospects to the company website where rich content awaits. Marketers, wanting to promote the company's products and services, are now publishing sales material disguised as marketing material. Whitepapers, sales presentations (called Webinars) and customer references (called Case Studies) are all published directly to the web. Even offers of free trials and evaluations are now an internet marketing function. The net result is that marketing now owns sales functions for the company without ever having asked for it. Think about your own situation. Is that what you're facing?

The sales team has also helped push sales functions to marketing. It has not only ignored this huge shift in buyer behavior, but actually accelerates it by encouraging customers to “visit the website” for any information they need. Prospective customers are now conditioned to just go get the information they need themselves, leaving sales completely out of the process and making marketing responsible. In summary, B2B marketers have slowly assumed responsibility for not only traditional marketing functions, but many sales functions as well. Feeling pressure to generate leads, they may actually be undermining their own efforts by publishing an increasingly large volume of sales information that has no way of connecting to the sales team.

Enough about problems, let's now discuss solutions.

Leveraging sales (and others) to achieve Company goals

Good business people know how to leverage their time and effort by delegating certain tasks to others. Instead of trying to do everything themselves, they look for areas where they can bring in other team members to help them achieve the overall goal. Think about how the sales organization operates. In most cases there is a whole team of people that help the individual sales person reach their revenue goal including, but not limited to, marketing specialists, inside sales people, system engineers, product specialists and product trainers. We just discussed how many of the tasks that sales used to handle are now the responsibility of marketing. Why not look for a way to tie in and leverage the sales team to help marketing reach its goals? The result would be true alignment where marketing helps sales and sales helps marketing. So, how could sales help marketing? Having seen the friction between sales and marketing for years, I can tell you that no amount of “lead definition” discussions will accomplish what you want. You want sales to take ownership for their own benefit and to do that you must figure out how to put some of the responsibility of whom they engage in their hands right up front. One idea that works is to re-think the offers on your website. Is marketing responsible for the approval of all requests, even sales related ones? If so, are there ways to hand off the approval of certain calls to action to one or more of the sales team members? This actually solves two issues at the same time. First, it reduces some of the time marketing spends managing certain requests and secondly, and most importantly, it encourages lead ownership by the sales team. Sales owns the requests it approves. Marketing concentrates its efforts on conveying the benefits of the product to spark interest and then creates offers that are approved by sales to get the conversation started. For example, marketing may implement a self-service budgetary pricing service, but sales should be responsible for approving requests. An inside sales person can view requests, do basic research and then approve the request, pulling the lead in. The net result is that the decision was made by the sales team, not marketing.

Crank It Up With Social Media

Once the offer(s) are in place to tie in the sales team, it is time to step on the gas pedal by implementing social media campaigns. Interestingly enough, social media actually fits more into the traditional role of marketing; providing benefit messaging and helping with brand identity. Even though marketing is far from controlling social media (that's the whole point of letting communities interact), it can aid in providing islands of interaction for the communities. Establishing a corporate blog and presence on the leading social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn is imperative for most businesses today. Reinforcing the previous point about potential customers seeking self-service information, these new methods of research are becoming common starting points for serious purchases. Many companies are now generating more inbound website traffic from a handful of social media sites than all other methods combined.

Caution: Many B2B marketers are forging ahead with social media strategies without the associated sales tie-in on their websites. This can lead to an overload of inbound activity and no way to handle it. Marketing automation tools that support lead nurturing are handy for non-sales oriented materials like whitepapers, webinars, etc. but it is imperative that marketing have a way to filter serious prospects and tie-in sales immediately. Without a clear way to split up the tasks, marketing will only be adding to its burden of being responsible for everything.

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