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NGR's Blog

A weblog is an online, semi-personal journal offering the opinion and commentary of the authors.

Our blogs feature thought leadership on a wide range of business issues, with a particular focus on helping companies grow. Here you'll also find blogs about emerging technologies and career experiences from select employees. The opinions of the writers do not necessarily reflect the position of NGR on these subjects.

Lead Nurturing – Uncover a Gold Mine of Opportunities

Nurture is very simple word that means to supply with nourishment. Today, lead nurturing is immensely popular with marketers because it is a simple yet extremely powerful marketing automation solution. Lead nurturing can be compared to a garden that will produce a good harvest only if tended well. Similarly it is not enough to just generate leads, it is important to nurture them to be converted into customers.

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Tourism Industry Turns to Email Marketing as Travelers Starting to Spend Again

As customer travel expenditure starts to slowly bounce back, travel marketers are moving more of their advertising funds toward interactive channels like email marketing so as to maximize ROI and interact travelers carefully researching for those best deals. Because of this, NGR, the world's only provider of both email marketing and marketing automation solutions particularly tailor-made to the unique needs of B2C and B2B marketers, has helped new and existing tourism clients expand their programs and much more effectively engage with their audiences.

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Cheapest Way to Stay in Touch with your Customers & Prospects

iPhones, iPads, Android machines, Tablet PCs, Facebook, Twitter, eMail… you seem to be busier than ever just trying to catch up with the thousands of things going on at the same time.

Direct contact with your customers and prospects, like talking face to face, picking the phone to talk to them is getting lesser by the day.

And it is getting more and more important to stay in touch with your customers, prospects… not only stay in touch, but stay at the top of their minds.

Sure you can’t visit them frequenty… too time consuming, and too expensive…

But there is a simple solution to this problem, and it helps you to stay in touch, and stay on top of their minds.

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Ten Ways to Grow Your Email List Aggressively

The following tips are sure're ways to successfully grow your email list.


It’s okay to email the occasional product promotion; after all, you’re a business with a product or service to sell. However, offer valuable information such as reports, blog posts, or videos in most of your email newsletters.

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What Metrics Can You Use to Evaluate Your Email Campaign?

As far as the metrics that are available for you to use to evaluate your email campaign, there are a few; however it really doesn’t have to get complicated. There are a core group of these commonly used that will enable you to successfully track the most important aspects of your campaign.

We’ve looked at 6 of the most popular metrics, which if you follow carefully and use the data gathered effectively, will take your campaigns from strength to strength.

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B2B vs B2C Email Marketing - What is the difference?

An often asked question in my email marketing seminars is - What's the difference in B2B and B2C Email marketing?

Since this lack of understanding stems from the fact that we are both consumers at home and work, and businesses at the same time. Further, the fine line between work and home computing is getting blurred all the time as we do office email at home, and look for phone or other gadget bargains at work...

Here, I explain the key difference in B2B email marketing and B2C email marketing as I understand it.

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Boost Your Brand With Email Marketing

When you think of a brand, or specifically your brand, what comes to mind? Broken down, a brand constitutes a name, tag line, logo and design, all of which should ultimately define your business perfectly. A brand, we now know however, is much more than that. It is the voice, attitude, style, familiarity and feeling that people get when they think about a business or company, and it’s hugely important.

On the back of a global recession competition is stiff and just a click away at the best of times, so the more awareness there is surrounding and supporting your business the better. One of the ways that you can boost your brand is to use (or make better use of) email marketing. These days it’s an extremely affordable solution that can help keep you in the inboxes and minds of those who matter most to your company; your customers and subscribers. On average it takes 7 times for a customer to recognize your brand after first encountering it. The beauty of email marketing is that it allows to you to engage, interact and find out more about your customers long after they have left your site. In short, it helps them remember you and recognize your brand quicker.

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Opt-in Email Marketing Tips

Opt-in email refers to those promotional e-mails sent to individuals who have requested to receive them. Not like spam, wherein promotional emails are sent to a large number of recipients without considering whether such individuals want the information, opt-in emails generally are sent only to individuals who particularly requested for them.

Opt-in e-mails often are personalized, targeted and convey information regarding specific promotions or topics that clients are interested and concerned to learn about.

Usually opt-in e-mails include product information, newsletters, helpful articles and advices or special advertising offers. When for instance a user frequents a certain website selling music and books online, he can "opt in" to accept publications or notices each time his favorite musician or author releases a new material; promotional e-mails may also grant the user with a discounted offer only available for individuals in the "opt-in" list.

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Advantages Of Email Marketing

Marketing through email is a very effective method to communicate with your customers. Generally it is very economical, and if properly done, can help create brand identification and dependability. At an average of just a few centavos cost per message, it is definitely a great bargain in contrast to traditional 'direct mail'. Furthermore, email marketing has a strong response rate which ranges from 5-35 percent depending on industry type and format.

One advantage of marketing email is the amount of information that clients supply when registering for your subscription email. By learning who your clients really are, including their gender, age, income and specially their special interests, you can target your services and products to accommodate their needs.

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