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NGR's Blog

A weblog is an online, semi-personal journal offering the opinion and commentary of the authors.

Our blogs feature thought leadership on a wide range of business issues, with a particular focus on helping companies grow. Here you'll also find blogs about emerging technologies and career experiences from select employees. The opinions of the writers do not necessarily reflect the position of NGR on these subjects.

ERP Upgrades: Don’t Turn the Upgrade Process into Another ERP Implementation

To continue to achieve a return on investment in the years following ERP implementation, manufacturers and distributors should be sure to take advantage of future software enhancements and upgrades to their ERP application. All too often, the organization becomes bogged down in the company’s daily operations and puts software upgrades on the backburner. When this occurs year after year, the software that serves as the information and transactional backbone of the enterprise becomes outdated and puts the organization at a competitive disadvantage, as technology and the mechanisms in which businesses interact with customers is constantly evolving.

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The top five accounting mistakes you can avoid with NGRERP

You can make faster, better business decisions to improve profits and cash flow with NGRERP. By integrating your accounts with your orders and inventory you can get real-time revenue and profit analysis. Our clear, easy-to-access reports show you where you're making money (and where you aren't) by SKU, channel and customer.

Accounts and bookkeeping tend not to be everyone's favourite aspect of running their own business. That's why we are bringing you the top five accounting mistakes which you can avoid.

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Web based ERP - the cure for clouded computing

Whether you've started, managed or worked in a small business, regardless of what market you're in, you'll be acutely aware of the long list of things to be done to turn a single sales lead into cash. Every step you take to move the prospect through each stage of the process of making the sale to banking the cash generates different types of information which most businesses want to store and organize in a system for immediate and future use. If this resonates with you then you probably need web based ERP software, here’s why…

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