Find out below what you will need to generate an email campaign that allows you to send your marketing results to new heights.
NGR's Blog
Our blogs feature thought leadership on a wide range of business issues, with a particular focus on helping companies grow. Here you'll also find blogs about emerging technologies and career experiences from select employees. The opinions of the writers do not necessarily reflect the position of NGR on these subjects.
Marketing Automation is one of the fastest growing segments in the CRM market. It wasn't that long ago that people weren't even sure what marketing automation was or how it functioned. Now, marketing teams are aggresively seeking out these systems. Clearly, the marketing automation industry has a strong tailwind at its back. But where is it coming from?
The B2B sales environment has changed drastically. Sales professionals are finding that it is increasingly challenging to reach potential prospects, and they are changing their business tactics in order to cope. At our software development company, NGR Technosys, we have experienced this first-hand through our phone calls with the thousands of software buyers we interact with each day. There are several specific trends that are changing the way buyers purchase, making marketing automation an essential addition to any organization.
iPhones, iPads, Android machines, Tablet PCs, Facebook, Twitter, eMail… you seem to be busier than ever just trying to catch up with the thousands of things going on at the same time.
Direct contact with your customers and prospects, like talking face to face, picking the phone to talk to them is getting lesser by the day.
And it is getting more and more important to stay in touch with your customers, prospects… not only stay in touch, but stay at the top of their minds.
Sure you can’t visit them frequenty… too time consuming, and too expensive…
But there is a simple solution to this problem, and it helps you to stay in touch, and stay on top of their minds.
There are a many advantages of Email Marketing over advertising in magazines. I am listing a few of them here for you to review and decide for yourself. Let me know if you agree with them or not.
How do you show your potential subscribers the value of your products? Do you keep in touch with them throughout their buying cycle in a way that is both scalable and customized? Static web pages no longer work. Batch-and-blast emails treat everyone the same, unless you hire a team to parse out industry segments and content clicks. But a wide variety of platforms let you automate your marketing based on profile fields and activities.